That was my angel card that I picked on Tuesday morning and that is exactly what we were doing by 12:14pm on Wednesday afternoon.
I woke up a couple times on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning to some contractions. Nothing consistent, but just strong enough for me to wake up. At 2:20am they started coming every 5 minutes for about a minute at a time. I woke Paul up an hour later, "Honey, I think I am in labor". He gave me a high five. We laid in bed for another half hour before we decided it was for real, we rolled out of bed, showered, made some breakfast and a cup of coffee....just in case it was going to be a long night. We got to the hospital about 5am where they hooked me up to a monitor to check my contractions, check the babe's heart rate and give me an exam (who wouldn't love that at 5 in the morning?) I was dilated at 2 and my contractions had slowed. The nurse sent us to walk the halls for an hour to see if I might progress. Let me tell you, the hospital is an eerie place at 5:30 in the morning.
Back in the birthing center by 6:30am and I had jumped up to a 3. They admitted us and the next 5 1/2 hours are already a blur. We walked some more and my contractions started getting a little stronger. Paul gave me another high five.
With the advice of the doctor, we broke my water at 8:30am with what looked like a crocheting needle in hopes that it would keep me progressing....and that it did. By 10am I started laboring quite a bit harder and breathing VERY heavily. By 11:55am, I had had enough and was ready to push this kiddo out. And nineteen minutes later, at 12:14pm, Sahalie Rae was born. And she is beautiful.

oh, Staci, she is beautiful indeed. She has brought tears to my eyes and they're rolling out like there's no tomorrow :)
What a beautiful name as well. I love it. And it seems like you had a relatively fast labor. Congratulations
I hope you can get lots of sleep... or as much as a mother of a newborn can get :)
I love you very much, beautiful momma. Congratulations to your beautiful family for the amazing addition.
PS: Please, send some second-child good energy my way. I've been trying to get pregnant for some time now with not much luck yet. Both Jen and you have your second ones already. I want another one too :)
PS2: I'll be in Breitenbush early September and driving through Bend on my way to Utah. Any chance I could see you for a quick cup of tea or something?
Oh...she is so beautiful. I wish so much to be there, hold her, hug you guys, hang out with Spencer, give you all high fives! Congratulations. I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to meet her.
Yea! We have a new screen saver!She looks just like Spencer!! (surprise.surprise.) We are soooo happy for you and can't wait to meet her. Another Arney girl. Go figure.
LOTS & LOTS of Love,
Kim, Tom & Taylor
congratulations! we are so happy for you. she is totally perfect and so beautiful. we look forward to meeting her someday! thinking of you...
beautiful. love you. xoxo
Dear Paul and Staci
She's beautiful! I'm so happy that you had a good delivery and were able to do it the way you wanted.
I can't wait to meet her. When are you coming to AK?
Congrats to the grandparents too--I'm sure they're tickled pink.
Love, Noël and Steve
No c-section for you!!! So happy for you. I look at your baby and my little clock clangs so loudly and my heart soars for the idea of motherhood. Enjoy your new love.
You go girl! I am thrilled that your labor was swift and that Sahalie arrived safely. From the comment "I had enough" I assume you went a naturel? Can't wait to hear the details. Congratulations to the Arney family!
She is so lovely - and I see old soul deep in those eyes - much love and sweetness to Sahalie and all her families...
Marie Bjork
Oh congratulations Staci and Paul!
And welcome Sahalie Rae! You are just beautiful!
Sending love,
Another perfect child brought to you by the Arneys!
She is just gorgeous, thanks for sharing the pics, and I am so happy for you and your family!
I'll give you a high five too.
Can't wait to see you Sahlie, your second so called Ankle Biter.
congratulations & love, love, love, love to all of you Arneys...
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