We got it....our favorite camp spot on Sparks Lake. We have brought the kids here before but have never camped. South Sister was in her full glory, the lake was warm and glassy, the s'mores were off the hook as well as the stars and we got to wake up to early morning canoe adventures. We shared stories of Uncle Jim who camped on the lake for his honeymoon and saw no one for two weeks to when Paul and I wrote our vows in that very spot. A pretty special place for sure.

"The point"

Sahalie waiting for Papa to return from his second paddle. The first trip was dogs, kids, and cooler....the second trip was the rest of the camping gear. It was one trip too many. So, on the way out we looked a little more like the Bend hillbilly's with two adults, two kids, two dogs, and all our camping gear. Kind of sad we don't have a picture of that one.

Spencer's catch