Nine lives?
Well, I thought cats only had nine lives, but I am pretty sure Tashi has nine too. Or maybe she is really a cat? Either way, the poor thing has been recovering since last Monday when we think she got hit by a car.
It was a full moon, pitch black outside and Tashi is nowhere to be found. We whistled for her and called for her with no avail and so Spencer and Paul started the search. As I am suiting up Sahalie, I look out the back door one more time....just in case. And sure enough, here she comes pushing herself on her belly with only her back legs. I swept her up and brought her inside to check her out. Her breathing was erratic, she couldn't move her front legs, her eyes were wild, her chin was bleeding and she wouldn't move. Emergency vet here we come. After a couple x-rays, there was no broken bones which was amazing, but the swelling was so bad internally we didn't know if she would make it through the night. I slept on the couch with my hand resting on her belly to make sure she was breathing and although she didn't move an inch, she woke up wagging her tail in the morning. Tough old girl.
The swelling has gone done which is good, but the nerve damage was pretty bad to her front left side. They said to give the leg six weeks to see if the nerves repair, and if they don't she will most likely be a tripod. And if any dog I know can do it, Tashi can.
It took her a couple days to actually get up on her own and it was such a sad sight to see her struggle just to take a couple of steps. A week later and here she is moving around pretty darn good don't you think? You go sweet girl!
140 miles
Peru? No....just the Dee Wright observatory overlooking the lava flow on McKenzie Pass.
Still smiling after a full day!
The seasons they are a changin'
El Cuatro!
Spencer turned 4 on Thursday, so we tricked him into thinking he wanted his birthday party at the pub.
In actuality, we all got what we wanted. Mimi made Spencer a crown and Chad Berg whipped up a large 'cake thing' that, when it arrived at the table, inspired a moment's silence from the little ones. It was like the Holy Ghost appearing or something. Anyway, all the kids ran around, spilled milk, and chowed on sweets while the adults drank beer and laughed at (with?) them.
The Eastern Oregon Model Train club opened up their land for visitors the other day.
I tried to picture what it must be like on a 'normal' weekend for them, with all their male clubmates dressed up in engineer outfits discussing model trains. I didn't see any of them snorting liqour from flasks. They must just really like little trains!
For one day, however, it's pretty fun.
child labor
Let it snow
Our last paddle of the season
Radio Tower part deux
Spencer and I took some guy time to drive up to the radio tower at the top of the ridge behind our house. We visited this spot last year as the snow approached, and while there wasn't much geology talked about this time, we did toss a number of cool looking rocks down the hill. Check out the storm over Bend in the 'thumbs up' photo. Ha ha. We'll get ours soon enough.
Raise your hand if you LOVE Elk Lake
Just like the old days
"Oh yeah, baby"
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