
Field Study

Spencer and I went nature-izing out in the rain yesterday!
Drove up to the snow and got stuck enough to get out, then looked over snags that burned in the Great Fire of '79 and kicked around a shaly outcropping (Geology outcompeted Spencer for a moment!). Ask him about anitclines and synclines next time you see him...

todos finito.

Bye-bye to days of washing off the John Deere and drinking beer in the fading sunset!
(Sahalie is too lucky, no?)


Clean as a whistle....

The First Fall....

We woke up earlier this week to 5 inches of the fluffy pow pow. It was gone a couple of days later, but Spencer was sure excited for snowball fights, snowmen, and hot cocoa.


The Great Escape...

Sahalie and I escaped for the weekend to meet up with Ann, Zoey, Jen, and Teeg. It was a wonderful weekend of sleeping in, good food, good wine, and great conversation. We also managed to get out of the house and kick around Mt Hood on a beautiful fall day. Thanks ladies, I love you!